Aujourd'hui est dimanche. J'ai les devoirs. Il a 23h09 et j'ai pas encore fait mes devoirs. Alors, avant que je me permets d'ecrire ce poste, je vais faire mes devoirs. Avec vous. En general je les fais avant cette heure tard, mais j'ai travaille sur un raport pour mon travail pour quelques heures deja. le sigh.
Devoir: ecrire les phrases avec certain mots!
(1) Bien que mes voisins aient un jardin, ils vont a la supermarche presque chaque jour.
(2) Bien que l'eau de robinet soit bonne, on achete les bouteilles de l'eau.
(1) Mon ami avait une bonne education, en revanche il est au chômage et il habite chez ces parents.
(2) Il y a beaucoup des voitures dans la ville, par contre les rues sont trop petits pour stationer l'auto.
PORTANT (ou cependant, toutefois, neanmoins)
(1) Elle est tres petite. Pourtant, elle mange trop de chocolat.
(2) My chambre est froid. Cependant, la fenetre est ferme.
(1) Je trouve que c'est difficil de faire les phrases avec "or". Or, je dois etudier plus fort ce soir.
Oui, j'ecris comme un petit eleve. Non, je n'utilise pas les mots avec plus que, oh, six lettres. Sauf quand j'ecris mon nom: Jennifer. Oh la la, huit lettres!
Alors... Aujoud'hui!
Pour manger les orsins, on les coupe en deux. Dans l'interior il y a un espece vide (je ne veux pas chercher pour mon dictionnaire pour trouver la mot correcte). J'ai pense qu'ils auraient ete comme les moules et on aurait mange un petit boule d'orsin, mais non...
Cinq petits morceaus de la choses rouge? C'est un repas?! (Pas vraiment. Quelqu'un m'a dit que si on les mange a une restaurant comme plat, c'est avec plusieurs autre fruits de mer.)
Alors, on peut les manger en quelque facons. Avec une cuillère, et manger seule, ou place la viande sur le pain, ou utilise la pain pour enlever le viande de la croquille. Il a goute comme l'eau selee. Pour moi, c'est comme les moules: je veux manger, peut-etre, deux a six, mais pas plus. Apres quatre j'ai mange des raisons et quiche. (Parce que je suis francaise maintenant. Ha. Non.)
Et, la fin. Demain je travaillerai, etudierai, et trouverai un article pour se presenter a la classe a mardi. Et je ferai du velo. Mon velo me manque.
A bientot!
Several times in Canada, I would say to my parents, "sometimes it is weird when I do not do homework on Sunday night."
Today is Sunday. I have homework. It was 23h09 and I have not done my homework. So, before I allow myself to write this post, I'll do my homework. With you. In general I'm doing before this hour late, but I'm working on a raport for my work for a few hours already. le sigh.
Assignment: Write sentences with certain words!
(1) Although my neighbors have a garden, they go to the supermarket almost every day.
(2) Although tap water is good, we bought bottles of water.
IN dreaming (or) HAND
(1) My friend had a good education, however he is unemployed and lives with his parents. "
(2) There are many cars in the city, street cons are too small to park the car.
ON (or however, but, nonetheless)
(1) It is very small. Yet she eats too much chocolate.
(2) My room is cold. However, the window is closed.
(1) I find it difficult to make sentences with "gold". However, I must study harder tonight.
Yes, I write as a young student. No, I do not use words with more than, oh, six letters. Except when I write my name: Jennifer. Oh la la, eight letters!
So ... Nowadays!
Last night I decided, at the last minute with the assistance of Ms. Shan msn, I'd go to the beach this morning to make orsinade (or orsinade, I do not know if the "how" is needed?). I travel by bus in Marseille, and then someone found me in his car. Then we will drive to the beach, most west of the city. We were a group of six with three people who have clothes and tools to search for Orsini in the water. I walked in the water a bit, but it was a bit cold for me, and there is no sand beach, just rocks. It's hard to walk to the beach and enter / exit the water without water shoes.
To eat the sea urchins, they are cut in half. In the interior there is a gap species (I do not want to look for my dictionary to find the correct word). I think they would have been like mussels and we would eat a small ball of Orsini, but not ...
Five small strips the red things? It is a meal? " (Not really. Someone told me that if one eats them in a restaurant dish, it is with many other seafood)
So we can eat them in any way. With a spoon, and eat alone, or place the meat on bread, or use the bread to remove the meat from the shell. It was like water drop Sele. For me, it's like mussels, I want to eat, maybe, two to six, but no more. After I eat four reasons and quiche. (Because I'm French now. Ha. No.)
And the end. Tomorrow I work, study, and find an article to appear at the class on Tuesday. And I'll do the bike. I miss my bike.
A bientot!
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