Friday, November 27, 2009
And then she left!
Ahh! Mon dernière nuit en Aix avant de partir pour le Royaume-Uni. Mon tête est en tren de paniquer un petit-peu. Il croit que je fuit finit de la France et je parte pour le Canada. Tous mes sacs sont remplis (ha, pas vraiment, mais presque, je ferai mes bagages au dernier moment, comme d’habitude) et mes tiroirs sont vides. Mais non, l’Ile-du-Prince-Edouard n’ira pas ma destination pour une autre trois semaines.
Ca sera différent a Irlande du Nord et a Ecosse. Ou je parlerai anglais. Quand je parle la langue du pays, les personnes me comprendront (j’espère !). Je ne paniquerai pas au bureau de poste, et je n’utiliserai pas le mot « quelque choses »trop, parce que je connaitrai le vrai mot. Au bureau de poste aujourd’hui j’avais besoin d’un « envelope ». Mais avant que je suis partie chez moi, j’avais oublié de cherche le mot « envelope » dans ma dictionnaire. Alors, j’ai acheté une chose « pour envoyer ce revue au Canada ».
(Je cherche a ma dictionnaire électronique maintenant… c’est « une enveloppe ». Et oui, j’ai une dictionnaire électronique maintenant. Un ami m’a donne et c’est formidable ! Elle a tous les mots que les professeurs ne nous enseignaient pas ;) )
J’ai eu un aventure à la bibliothèque aujourd’hui. J’ai emprunté la carte de ma colocataire pour utiliser les ordinateurs et imprimer mes billettes d’avion. J’ai parle a trois personnes a la bibliothèque, et le deuxième ne m’a pas compris de tous. Whoops. Mais je crois qu’il a prétendu parce qu’il veut parler en anglais… Umm, right. Anyway, je payais la troisième personne pour ferai les imprinations. Je suis allée a une ordinateur, et la carte ne fonctionne pas. J’ai demande pour l’aide. Mon aideur ne ferrait pas corriger. Il a appelle a une autre travailleuse, et elle nous a aide. Success ! MAIS, puis, l’emprunteur ne fontione pas. Pas un grand problème, j’ai trouve un autre imprinteur dans une nouvelle salle – une salle magnifique avec cinq-kazillions livres. Tous ces chose ont pris trop longue, alors j’avais pas assez de temps pour faire les autre choses, comme acheter le shampooing, une pile pour mon montre, etc. Pas de problème. Au Royaume-Uni, je pourrais acheté « shampoo » et « a battery for my watch ».
J’ecoute a la radio, c’est un station techno/music des boites. Je veux danser ! Mais je ne danse pas, parce que je dois travailler. J’espere que c’est le dernière rapport que j’écrire a propos de lu sondage des voyageurs de l’I-P-E. Pas en general, mais pour ce sondage.
Mon ventre se grandit ici. Whoops. Trop de Milka et Haribo. Peut-être pour l’annee 2010 (can someone explain to me the difference between annee and an ??) je ne mangerai pas du chocolat. Mais, c’est bonne pour les endorphines, et pour les seins ! :D Je « feel like » (I couldn’t find a verbe equivalent ?) que j’ai les seins trop grand chaque fois que je porte un pull. Joyeux noël aux garçons ? :S
Je veux faire du vélo maintenant. Je suis un peu stresse. Mais mes vêtements chauds sont dans un sac. Et c’est presque 23h00. Et je dois travailler a mon rapport. Et faire les bagages. Et prendre un douche.
Le sigh
A bientôt !
et... en anglais..
Ahh! My final night in Aix before leaving for the United Kingdom. My head is tren to panic a little-bit. He thinks I eventually fled to France and I left for Canada. All my bags are filled (ha, not really, but almost, I will do my luggage at the last minute as usual) and my drawers are empty. But no, the Prince Edward Island will not my destination for another three weeks.
It will be different in Northern Ireland and Scotland. Or I speak English. When I speak the language, people understand me (I hope!). I did not panic at the post office, and I will not use the word "some things" too, because I know the real word. At the post office today I needed an "envelope". But before I left home, I forgot to look for the word "envelope" in my dictionary. So I bought something "to send this magazine in Canada."
(I look to my electronic dictionary now ... it's "envelope". And yes, I have an electronic dictionary now. A friend gave me and it's great! It has all the words that we teachers do not teach;))
I had an adventure at the library today. I borrowed the card from my roommate to use computers and print my tickets. I have spoken to three people a library, and the second has not understood. Whoops. But I think he claimed because he wants to speak English ... Umm, right. Anyway, I paid the third person to do the imprinations. I went to a computer and the card does not work. I asked for help. My aideur does not correct shoeing. He has called another worker, and she helped us. Success! BUT, then the borrower did not work. Not a big problem, I found another imprinteur a new room - a magnificent room with five-kazillions books. All these things have taken too long, then I had enough time to do other things like buying shampoo, a battery for my watch, etc.. No problem. In the UK, I could buy "shampoo" and "a battery for my watch."
I listened at the radio station is a techno / music boxes. I want to dance! But I do not dance, because I have to work. I hope this is the last report about j'écrire read poll travelers the IPE. Not in general, but for this poll.
My belly is growing here. Whoops. Too Haribo and Milka. Perhaps for the year 2010 (can someone explain to me the difference between years and year?) I do not eat chocolate. But it's good for the endorphins, and boobs!: D "feel like" (I could not find a word equivalent?) that I have breasts too whenever I wear a sweater. Merry Christmas boys? : S
I want to ride a bike now. I am a little stress. But my warm clothes were in a bag. And it's almost 23:00. And I am working on my report. And what to pack. And take a shower.
Le sigh
A bientôt!
Long ago...
C’est bizarre... je sais que la fin s’approchera. Je partirai mon appartement. Lundi, j’ai lave mes vêtements en préparation pour les mettre à un sac. Encore.
Jeudi je parts pour Irlande du Nord pour visiter Kathleen ! Puis je voyagerai a l’Ecosse (par bateau !) et la je resterai avec Shannon a Edinburgh.
C’est presque la fin de mon aventure française ! C’est le sentiment dans ma tête. En réalité, ce n’est pas la fin. Apres jouer a l’Ecosse, je retournerai ici, a Aix. J’ai huit jours pour « finir ». Mon vol partira de Paris, alors j’irai la pour le week-end ou je visiterai ma sœur de Disney (aka ma coloc.) ! La dernière fois que j’ai vu elle était, je crois, juillet de 2006. Franchement, je suis excitée :P Pendant ce voyage j’avais visite deux amies de Disney, et je crois que j’aurai vu deux autres avant que retourner au Canada. Puis, au Canada, je visiterai deux plusieurs ( !) avant que je ferai le dernière voyage a mon petit ile.
Aujourd’hui, j’ai porte les shorts. Les autres croient que je sois folle, mais j’adore le soleil ici.
Je commence d’écouter à la radio. Je n’ai pas fait beaucoup avant cette semaine parce que j’étais stupide. Pas stupide comme « je ne comprends pas ! », mais stupide comme « il n’y avait pas une bonne raison pour pas écouter a la radio et c’est une bonne façon d’améliorer mon français. » La prochaine fois que je veux apprendre une langue je vais regarder la télé trop, et écouter a la radio tous les minutes que je ne regarde pas la télé. Oh, mais un problème avec la radio.. Mon station préféré est lequel en español. Et il y a trop des chansons anglaises à la radio. La première station que j’ai trouve hier soir a eu Elton John qui chante « Can you feel the love tonight » de « The Lion King ». Oui, c’est une bonne chanson, et j’ai chante avec Elton. Il m’aide améliorer mon accent faux d’un anglais homosexuel :P
Je lis une romaine en français maintenant. C’est plus difficile que ma dernière romaine (Princess Diaries 10 ! – en français) parce que ce n’était pas écrit pour les jeunesses. Mais, ce n’est pas trop difficile ! Regarde ma, j’apprends le français ! C’était sur une liste donnait a moi par mon professeur, les romains pour mon niveau de français (B2 !)
Noel a commence vendredi. Les lumières a la fontaine au milieu de la Rotonde de Gaulle sont allumes (ouverts ?), il y a les attractions (rides ? I coudn’t find what I deem an appropriate word in French) à la fin de la Cours Mirabeau et beaucoup des kiosks qui vend les produits de noël des artisanes, et les bonbons, le vin chaud ( ?!), la barbe de papa, les gaufres (je n’ai pas encore manger un gaufre ici – quel dommage !), les pretzels (salée ou sucre), et plusieurs choses qui vont détruire mon estomac. Yum ! En revanche, il y a un problème : je n’ai pas assez d’espace dans mes bagages pour acheter les cadeaux de noël ici. Quand je suis partie le Canada j’ai pris un sac vide, mais je crois que ca va être rempli avec les choses que j’ai acheté déjà… pour moi. Oops. Je vais savoir mercredi comme je dois faire mes bagages la. J’achetais les livres ici (ils ne sont pas grands, mais ils prennent d’espace) des vetements, et des boots. Et j’aime mon casque du vélo et je voudrais le prendre au Canada. Il y a une lumière rouge sur le fond du casque ! Et c’est ROUGE.
Ici je suis sur Equipe Rouge pour faire de vélo. Mon vélo est rouge. Mon casque est rouge. Mon chemise à manches longues est rouge. Lequel avec les manches court est rouge. Mes chaussettes préférées sont rouges. Vas-y Equipe Rouge ! (Pas vraiment un équipe, c’est seulement moi.)
Quand je suis arrivée à Aix j’ai acheté un carnet de dix billets pour l’autobus. J’ai encore quatre billets. Les trois premières fois au autobus j’ai mit la billette dans la machine à la façon incorrect. Quelque fois la machine ne fonctionnait pas. Alors, je n’ai pas dépensé beaucoup d’argent pour transportation !
**************************** Google translate...
It's weird ... I know that the end will approach. I leave my apartment. On Monday, I wash my clothes in preparation for putting them in a bag. Again.
Thursday I went to Northern Ireland to visit Kathleen! Al'Ecosse Can I travel (by boat!) And I will stay with Shannon Edinburgh.
It's almost the end of my French adventure! It is the feeling in my head. In reality, this is not the end. Al'Ecosse after play, I will return here in Aix. I have eight days to "finish". My flight from Paris, then go for the weekend or I visit my sister to Disney (aka my roommate). " The last time I saw it was, I think, July of 2006. Frankly, I'm excited: P During this trip I visited two friends from Disney, and I think I saw two others before returning to Canada. Then, in Canada, I will be visiting two more (!) Before I make the last trip my little island.
Today, I wore shorts. Others think I'm crazy, but I love the sun here.
I began to listen to the radio. I have not done much until this week because I was stupid. Not stupid like "I do not understand! , But stupid as "there was not a good reason to not listen on the radio and it's a good way to improve my French. The next time I want to learn a language I'll watch TV too much, and listen to the radio every minute that I do not watch TV. Oh, but a problem with the radio .. My favorite station is where en español. And there are too many English songs on the radio. The first station that I found last night was Elton John singing "Can you feel the love tonight" from "The Lion King." Yes, it's a good song and I sang with Elton. It helps me improve my accent fake an English homosexual: P
I read a French Roman now. It is more difficult than my last Roman (Princess Diaries 10! - In French) (roman is supposed to = novel... ha) because it was not written for youths. But this is not too difficult! Look ma, I'm learning French! It was on a list given to me by my teacher, the Romans for my level of French (B2!)
Noel begins Friday. Lights at the fountain in the middle of the Rotunda are on Gaulle (open?), There are attractions (rides? I coudn't find what I deem an appropriate word in French) at the end of the Cours Mirabeau and many kiosks selling Christmas products of artisans and sweets, mulled wine (?!), beard papa, waffles (I did not eat a waffle here - what a pity!), the pretzels (salt or sugar), and several things that will destroy my stomach. Yum! However, there is a problem: I do not have enough space in my luggage to buy Christmas gifts here. When I left Canada I took an empty bag, but I think it will be filled with things I already bought for me .... Oops. I'm going on Wednesday as I ought to pack it. I bought books here (they are not great, but they take space) of clothes, and boots. And I love my bike helmet and I would take him to Canada. There is a red light on the bottom of the helmet! And it's RED.
Here I am on Team Red to bike. My bike is red. My helmet is red. My long-sleeved shirt is red. Which with short sleeves is red. My favorite socks are red. Go Team Red! (Not really a team, it's just me.)
When I arrived in Aix I bought a carnet of ten tickets for the bus. I still have four tickets. The first three times I took the bus tickets in the machine the wrong way. Sometimes the machine does not work. So I have not spent much money on transportation!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Culture Chow-down
- Markets - so much food, all so colourful
- Biking - drivers don't freak out when there are cyclists on the road. Just, "Bonjour, Cycliste, nous partagons la rue. Nous ne sommes pas les amies, mais je ne vais pas te frapper avec mon voiture." That being said... I would love to find some flat land for biking. I don't mind hills, but sometimes one just wishes for an easy ride. I also miss my black bike for when I'm feeling not so racerish.. and the seat on my bike here is merde. Putain!
- Cereal - Carrefour Fruit and Fibre? You rock my cereal world. ROWR.
- Shutters - I realised, after a month of being in my flat, the reason I don't have curtains on my window is because I have shutters. I just never noticed. Jen n'est pas intelligente. Non, serieuse, mon IQ trouvait un niveau trop bas quand je suis arrivee a la France.
- Durante la journee, c'est assez chaud pour porter les shorts. For me. Biking in my late summer gear au milieu de decembre? Pas mal.
- Bears - there are no bears here, to my knowledge. This helps me feel safe.
- Funny translations- It's none of our business -> "Ce n'est pas nos oignons." HA!
- Swearing - but not really. Putain!
- H1N1 - Ils ne s'inquiete pas. Le gov't achetait 94 million des vacinations. There are only 64 million people in France. They have 30 million extra vaccines, provided one dose per person is adequate. Canada has about 33 million people, and about six viles of the vaccine. And people really aren't freaking out here trying to get into clincis. I just don't think they care.
- Food - everything here tastes good. I'm a bit concerned as before leaving Canada I got rid of all clothing which was too big.
- le Geant Casino - it intrigues me. It's so large. And between my home to there, the road is quite flat. Plus one point.
- The Carrefour logo, which I now understand.
- The good looking news and weather people.
- Orange eyeshadow - I bought some. Clearly, if it's in France, it must be very fashionable. The official couleur is "orange pearle".
- Height - I'm not short here! Not to generalize, but people here are not very tall. I feel like such an equal.
- Carpet.. useful for laying on when reading the newspaper
- Being witty/charming/hilarious... here I am merely ditzy
- Bicyclette no. 1... bicyclette no. 2 not so much as I have her nearly identical twin here
- Beer Club
- Being in closer timezones to friends who are away... so I don't need to stay up to 1am to chatter with them.
- The Weather Network.
- My socks. Apparently when packing to move I felt the need to pack, oh, like five pairs of socks, four of which are wooly hiking/biking socks.
- Peanut sauce.
- The ability to explain how you want your hair cut, in English. Me hair be getting a wee bit shaggy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
November 11 - the holiday I wish weren't
Remembrance Day always makes me a bit sad. It makes me sad that we need to have this holiday. That we needed to send people young and old, male and female, English and French (and other), off to a foreign land to protect us, and protect citizens of other countries. That being said, it is also amazing that we have the freedom to honour them on this day. The fact that we can have Remembrance Day is a testament of their mission being successful, and them protecting our country's ability to be.
I went to a museum over the weekend past about the occupation in France during WWII, and the resistance movement. Today was a holiday in France, specifically for WWI (apparently there are separate holidays for other wars?). Had D-Day been unsuccessful in France in 1944, and any subsequent attempt to rid France of the Germans, le 11 novembre, comme jour ferie (accents on the e's - holiday) would not exist. Were the Nazis still in rule of this country, the French would not be celebrating their invalides aujourd'hui.
Were Canada to participate in a war today, on the same large scale effort of WWI or WWII, I honestly can't say I would enlist. I am not brave enough to potentially sacrifice myself for the good of my country. I cannot even begin to imagine what that life would be like. I've read the history, heard the stories, have seen the footage, but I cannot envision myself in uniform, boarding a boat or plane, being sent to fight a battle. To put myself in a dangerous situation. I think I could help in other ways, but I'm much too much of a baby to ever be found on the front lines. I'm happy to have citizenship in a country where military service is not mandatory, and where conscription is a thought almost a century old (believe it was last enforced during WWI?).
I focus somewhat on WWII, as it's the war I know the most about, and I believe we are taught more about it in school due to the ancestry of many Islanders. For me, this war seems a lifetime ago - well before my time. But to put it in perspective, this war ended only ten years before my father was born. There are still many people alive who can give first-hand accounts of their involvement. There are statues in London that still have slight signs of damage from the blitz. The Berlin Wall, a result of the, well, result of WWII fell only ten years ago this week.
There is the remains of a Concentration Camp within a very easy bike ride from my home. Actually, I can't quite figure out if it was a concentration camp, or a "holding bin" of sorts. Prior to German occupation of France, the French held Germans and Austrians there. This changed when 1940 hit (German occupation of Northern France and the Atlantic coast), and then again in 1942 as Germany moved into the free region of France (generally, the south). Jewish residents and others were collected and put at this camp. They were then transferred to Auschwitz, via Camps Drancy and Rivesaults.
Remembrance Day is not only about the great wars (WWI, WWII). I believe the focus tends to fall on them, but there were wars elsewhere, and there are still wars now. There are peace keeping missions, and there are the battles in which we will fight in the future.
Poppies are not worn in France, so I had no poppy to wear today. But I would wear my poppy to thank, remember, love and respect those who served in the past, who are serving now, and who will serve in the future.

A picture I took in Ypres, Belgium, editted, of a war graveyard. I suppose it will be my virtual poppy this year.
Monday, November 02, 2009
"Je veux etre un arc-en-ciel!"
Je manque le couleur brun. Ici, j’ai trop des vêtements gris, noir, et violet. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais c’est une erreur. Je faisais des boutiques un petit peu, mais trop des vêtements aux magasins sont… noir, gris, bleu (foncé), et violet. En revanche, ce soir, j’ai acheté des vêtements VERT, ROSE… et violet. Mais la jupe violète coute seulement 5 EUR alors je me permis de l’acheter. Ahh, les couleurs, je vous adore. Demain, et tous les jours après, je serai un arc-en-ciel. Sauf les boots – ils sont noirs.
L’automne commence ici, pour la deuxième fois. Il y a beaucoup des feuilles sur les rues. Quand j’ai fait une promenade ce soir, ca m’a amuse beaucoup de marcher aux feuilles. Toutes les feuilles ici sont orange/brun. Pas de rouge.
J’ai dormi pendant deux heures cette après-midi. J’avais besoin d’un nap.. Mais ugh. Je n’aime pas dormir trop pendant la journée. Mais je n’ai pas dormi beaucoup pendants les cinq soirées passées.
Ma classe est petite cette semaine : seulement quatre étudiants. Mais je l’aime, il y a beaucoup de temps pour parler et pratiquer, et c’est plus facile de demander les questions. C’est mon dernière semaine de classes… Bizarre. Je ne sais pas ce que je ferai pour les prochaines semaines. Je dois travailler beaucoup, mais je suis un peu stresse. Je ne veux pas retourner au Canada et les penses que j’ais travaille trop, et je n’ais pas eu une vraie expérience français.
Alors, c’est minuit. Je dois faire une petite présentation pour ma classe demain. Ce n’est pas tres long, mais quelque chose sur lequel nous allons parle pour 20 minutes, comme un classe, pas juste moi.
Today, I hit a wall. Umm, no. Maybe that's a sentence that does not in French? "Today I hit a wall."
I miss the color brown. Here, I too clothes gray, black, and purple. I do not know why, but it is a mistake. I was shopping a little, but too many clothes shops are ... black, gray, blue (dark), and purple. But tonight, I bought clothes GREEN, PINK ... and purple. But the purple skirt cost only 5 EUR so I allowed myself to buy it. Ahh, the colors, I adore you. Tomorrow and every day after, I'll be a rainbow sky. Except the boots - they're black.
Autumn begins here, for the second time. There are a lot of leaves on the streets. When I went for a walk tonight, ca amuses me to walk to the leaves. All the leaves here are orange / brown. No red.
I slept for two hours this afternoon. I needed a nap .. But ugh. I do not like sleeping too much during the day. But I did not sleep much during the past five nights.
My class is small this week, only four students. But I like it a lot of time to talk and practice, and it's easier to ask questions. This is my last week of classes ... Bizarre. I do not know what I do for the next few weeks. I have a lot of work to do, and I'm a bit stressed. I do not want to return to Canada and think that I worked to much, and I had didn't have a true French experience.
So it's midnight. I must make a small presentation for my class tomorrow. Not very long, but something on which we will speak for 20 minutes, as a class, not just me.
Annnnd... zonked -_-
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Les devoirs d'orsinage - - homework, harvesting sea urchins
Aujourd'hui est dimanche. J'ai les devoirs. Il a 23h09 et j'ai pas encore fait mes devoirs. Alors, avant que je me permets d'ecrire ce poste, je vais faire mes devoirs. Avec vous. En general je les fais avant cette heure tard, mais j'ai travaille sur un raport pour mon travail pour quelques heures deja. le sigh.
Devoir: ecrire les phrases avec certain mots!
(1) Bien que mes voisins aient un jardin, ils vont a la supermarche presque chaque jour.
(2) Bien que l'eau de robinet soit bonne, on achete les bouteilles de l'eau.
(1) Mon ami avait une bonne education, en revanche il est au chômage et il habite chez ces parents.
(2) Il y a beaucoup des voitures dans la ville, par contre les rues sont trop petits pour stationer l'auto.
PORTANT (ou cependant, toutefois, neanmoins)
(1) Elle est tres petite. Pourtant, elle mange trop de chocolat.
(2) My chambre est froid. Cependant, la fenetre est ferme.
(1) Je trouve que c'est difficil de faire les phrases avec "or". Or, je dois etudier plus fort ce soir.
Oui, j'ecris comme un petit eleve. Non, je n'utilise pas les mots avec plus que, oh, six lettres. Sauf quand j'ecris mon nom: Jennifer. Oh la la, huit lettres!
Alors... Aujoud'hui!
Pour manger les orsins, on les coupe en deux. Dans l'interior il y a un espece vide (je ne veux pas chercher pour mon dictionnaire pour trouver la mot correcte). J'ai pense qu'ils auraient ete comme les moules et on aurait mange un petit boule d'orsin, mais non...
Cinq petits morceaus de la choses rouge? C'est un repas?! (Pas vraiment. Quelqu'un m'a dit que si on les mange a une restaurant comme plat, c'est avec plusieurs autre fruits de mer.)
Alors, on peut les manger en quelque facons. Avec une cuillère, et manger seule, ou place la viande sur le pain, ou utilise la pain pour enlever le viande de la croquille. Il a goute comme l'eau selee. Pour moi, c'est comme les moules: je veux manger, peut-etre, deux a six, mais pas plus. Apres quatre j'ai mange des raisons et quiche. (Parce que je suis francaise maintenant. Ha. Non.)
Et, la fin. Demain je travaillerai, etudierai, et trouverai un article pour se presenter a la classe a mardi. Et je ferai du velo. Mon velo me manque.
A bientot!
Several times in Canada, I would say to my parents, "sometimes it is weird when I do not do homework on Sunday night."
Today is Sunday. I have homework. It was 23h09 and I have not done my homework. So, before I allow myself to write this post, I'll do my homework. With you. In general I'm doing before this hour late, but I'm working on a raport for my work for a few hours already. le sigh.
Assignment: Write sentences with certain words!
(1) Although my neighbors have a garden, they go to the supermarket almost every day.
(2) Although tap water is good, we bought bottles of water.
IN dreaming (or) HAND
(1) My friend had a good education, however he is unemployed and lives with his parents. "
(2) There are many cars in the city, street cons are too small to park the car.
ON (or however, but, nonetheless)
(1) It is very small. Yet she eats too much chocolate.
(2) My room is cold. However, the window is closed.
(1) I find it difficult to make sentences with "gold". However, I must study harder tonight.
Yes, I write as a young student. No, I do not use words with more than, oh, six letters. Except when I write my name: Jennifer. Oh la la, eight letters!
So ... Nowadays!
Last night I decided, at the last minute with the assistance of Ms. Shan msn, I'd go to the beach this morning to make orsinade (or orsinade, I do not know if the "how" is needed?). I travel by bus in Marseille, and then someone found me in his car. Then we will drive to the beach, most west of the city. We were a group of six with three people who have clothes and tools to search for Orsini in the water. I walked in the water a bit, but it was a bit cold for me, and there is no sand beach, just rocks. It's hard to walk to the beach and enter / exit the water without water shoes.
To eat the sea urchins, they are cut in half. In the interior there is a gap species (I do not want to look for my dictionary to find the correct word). I think they would have been like mussels and we would eat a small ball of Orsini, but not ...
Five small strips the red things? It is a meal? " (Not really. Someone told me that if one eats them in a restaurant dish, it is with many other seafood)
So we can eat them in any way. With a spoon, and eat alone, or place the meat on bread, or use the bread to remove the meat from the shell. It was like water drop Sele. For me, it's like mussels, I want to eat, maybe, two to six, but no more. After I eat four reasons and quiche. (Because I'm French now. Ha. No.)
And the end. Tomorrow I work, study, and find an article to appear at the class on Tuesday. And I'll do the bike. I miss my bike.
A bientot!