So yes, those bloody knees would be the result of my 5-km race this morning. I is a graceful girl. The knees were wounded at about kilometre 0.000002. It hurt. But it was awfully funny and, well, not entirely unsurprising. In the past few weeks I've been pulling an Edinburgh and stumbling over cracks in the sidewalks. Perhaps sleeping for more than three hours before hand would have been a good idea? Anyway, other then the Big Tumble, it all went over rather well and I finished in just under thirty-one minutes. Pretty good considering I started near the end and had to weave through some slow people at the start and, umm, fell. In a related note, I have NO idea how people run actural marathons without collapsing and twitching on the ground. Maybe it's because I'm too competitive and get a kick out of passing people, but I would wear myself out waaaay too early. Like, by kilometre six.

Last Saturday Vanessa and I hired a car.. Low and behold we wound up with a convertable! We went to St. Augustine for the afternoon. It's the oldest city (town?) in the United States. It was nice to be somewhere that the old-looking buildings were actually, well, old. Disney is beautiful and all, but obviously fake. We stopped at a big fruit stand on the way and I bought some oranges. At St. Augustine we took a tour of the town and then walked around a bunch.

(Vanessa and I at an old Fort that was never actually used in battle.)

1 comment:
The dogs, are they real or dressed up Disney characters,'
P.S. Loove the knees, reminds me of some other MacPhail lady
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